06 July 2010


A fellow beekeeper, immeasurably more competent than I, accidentally killed his queen. The bees subsequently brought on a few queen cells to create a replacement. When he inspected the hive, he tore down all but one new queen cell... which he then broke as he reassembled the hive.

There but for the guilt of schadenfreude....


tjreiter said...

I'm a new beekeeper as of this year. Two days ago I inspected the hive which is now two deeps full. I did not find the queen, but was not concerned because I saw eggs and larva. We added a queen excluder and a honey super. When I was done the whole front of the bottom deep was covered with bees. It is still like that two days later. Bees are coming and going, bringing in pollen and I assume nectar, but I never had so many clustering on the front of the hive. Is this a problem? Could I have killed the queen or something?

keith said...

schadenfreude indeed! geez, this buddy of yours is really full of misfortunes! poor bee hive!